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Tweed Street Renovation

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Tweed Street Renovation

Project Type:

Residential Building
Structural Engineering


Roslyn, Dunedin

Partnerships Used:

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Project Overview:

In the heart of Roslyn, nestled amidst protected heritage trees, stood a century-old villa with a unique challenge and opportunity. The project's primary goal was to seamlessly incorporate a modern self-contained apartment beneath the heritage villa while maintaining the charm of the existing structure.

The Project

The  project involved the complete transformation of the villa's basement area.  This area, in its original state, was unsuitable for modern living (or any  living really). With the removal of the basement area, a new self-contained  apartment was added.

The owner was an architect with experience in building restoration, and she recognised the potential in restoring and reusing the existing structure, rather than starting from scratch. Her vision was to blend classic villa design with a modern twist, featuring exposed steel support beams that would become a distinctive design element. The renovation included constructing a new bathroom, kitchen, sleep room, and dining area. A custom steel staircase was built to provide access to the newly created apartment.


The solution involved innovative problem-solving and structural engineering expertise. To keep the heritage villa standing while the foundation work took place, temporary steel supports were installed. A 'house in the air,' held up by four full-length steel beams, became a temporary but necessary sight.

To address the challenge of the project's foundation, an unconventional approach was taken. Instead of the standard practice of completing the ring foundation in stages, the team decided to place steel on the outside of the building envelope. This enabled the entire ring foundation to be completed in one go, saving significant time and money. The ground condition also posed an obstacle, requiring a deep excavation to find a solid bearing, as the house had sunk over time.

The kitchen's joinery was created using recycled Rimu from the house, enhancing sustainability and maintaining the villas charm. A custom mechanical system was designed to ensure a fresh air supply to the new living space.


The Tweed Street Renovation project has successfully added a modern  self-contained apartment beneath the century-old villa. Distinctive design  elements, such as paua and a custom Koru design set within the polished concrete floor, contribute to its unique charm. The deliberate choice to maintain the visibility of steel support beams enhances the apartment's  aesthetics, offering an inviting yet industrial ambience.

The custom-designed structural steel staircase, tailored to suit the land's contours, is a testament to our ability to tackle complex projects with finesse. Unique challenges, including ground conditions and the need for deep excavation, were met with innovative solutions, securing the project's success.

The Tweed Street Renovation not only provides a fresh, appealing, and functional living space but also serves as a remarkable example of adaptive  reuse in construction. It underscores our unwavering dedication to delivering outstanding outcomes, evident in every facet of this project.

Customer Testimonial

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